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  • 数字密钥系统

  • 所属分类: ONITY酒店锁

  • 发布日期: 2018-08-02

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Digital Key System:
Quick and easy, DIGITAL KEY system unlocks a better guest experience.

Impress Your Guests Before They Open Their Room Door
The DIGITAL KEY System enables guests to enter their room and other access-controlled areas with their smartphone quick and easily, transforming each doorway into a unique brand experience.
DIGITAL KEY puts the room key in the cloud for a quick download to the guests’ smartphone; they can unlock their door easily with the press of a button on the hotel app. Key credentials remain on the phone during their stay, so a network connection is not required to use the mobile key.
Onity′s Direct Key system is fully compatible with Hilton′s Digital Key.

Onity-Hilton Partnership
Onity and Hilton worked closely to develop and release the DIGITAL KEY system and gradually start installing it at hotels in different locations worldwide.
DIGITAL KEY technology has been deployed at more than 100 Hilton properties in the U.S. up to summer 2016, after a successful 4-month trial that received high guest satisfaction ratings.
Now is the time to enhance guest experience in the EMEA region!

Onity Locking Solutions

Unlock Your Hotel Experience with Your Smartphone:
Rooms,Elevators,Car parks,Congress centers,Spas, etc.

Contactless Access:
Onity Direct Key technology recognizes your smartphone signal from a convenient distance, for maximum comfort .

Easy upgrade process:
Preserve and enhance your existing investment. Hilton′s Digital key module can be retrofitted to existing Onity locks, saving deployment costs and time while maximizing your lock hardware investment. We invite you to learn about our upgrade solutions. The upgrade process is quick and easy:
1.Remove control board from existing lock;
2.Install new control board with BTLE technology.
3.The Onity team will connect the modules to Hilton′s cloud based server.
4.The Hilton property is ready to welcome their HHonors members and provide them with the added benefit of going straight to their room bypassing the front desk.
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